Peaceful Moments

Whoa!!! Slow down a bit during this fun-filled, energized holiday season, and allow yourself some “me time” to enjoy some well-deserved peaceful moments! Take some time to reflect on the images below while you sip on your favorite mug of tea or coffee. Concentrate on the peaceful images and allow yourself to destress for a few precious moments. Also, remember to give those special loved ones in your life a big hug and tell them how much you love them! Holiday cheers to all! — Mary

2 thoughts on “Peaceful Moments”

  1. Great thoughts to promote peace in our lives. And, of course, a good reminder of the peace that comes from God through our trust in Him.

  2. Really like this post. It makes us all take a double take at our hectic days/lives and push the pause button. Or even slow motion button haha. Very well said and good reminders for us all in this fast paced season.

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